Monday, April 27, 2009

Some Random Pictures

New pictures!!! This is of Bud this afternoon playing out in the yard.
On our way home from Colorado we stopped at a gas station, and this was the coolest thing in it.
This is a picture from Colorado, this was the whole group.
This is our pretty little plant in the sun room.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cool Pix is now Up and Running

Hey! I just started this blog so I could post pictures. I try to put my very best ones in my posts but some of them just don't quite cut it. So I thought I would make a place to put them. So hopefully you can enjoy some pictures you've never seen before here.
The pictures above are of Drew this morning before he was baptized, Me yesterday hanging around in my room, and the boys Friday night asleep. This was a crazy weekend.