Monday, May 18, 2009

Weekend Re-cap

Here is Me with Coco, last Thursday.

This is Mom, Dad, and below is Me watching Alex's baseball game on Saturday. It was a little chilly if you're wondering why were all so bundled up.

The picture to your left is of the sun, and look at the strange ring that was around it. It was all the way around the sun.

Don't you just love this picture of Coco! He is so cute, and looking right at the camera. The picture to your left is of me and Coco, which is good. And the one below is of
Just me. I was trying to get a picture of both of us, and wound up with a good one of myself.

I like this picture of Coco too. He is either crying, or blinking, or sneezing. But I don't remember. So I'm just going to guess that he saw me and started crying for food.That's what usually happens.

This picture above is of our new lawn mower. It is self propelled, whatever that means. So I guess it makes things a little easier.
The picture to the left is of my four wheeler, still all muddy, and gross from the last time I took it through the mud.

Here is a real cool picture. We had a lime green moth on our front deck. It was really huge, and vibrant. So I took a picture of it. I took several but this one was the most clear.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Some Oldies

This is me sleeping... I don't know how or when this was taken... but I thought I would post it.

Thsi was from Mother's day. Mom, Alex, and Me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Looking Back

I finally got some pictures to post. So this is some more pictures from this weekend.The boys getting hosed down.
Gettin' Muddy!
Silly Bud...


Hope you enjoy the pictures! Bye!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Don't like this computer!

Just in case I don't get to post in a while, because the computer is being a big pain, then I will just give you a quick preview of today. We went to church, and then had some friends and family over for lunch. Have a nice day!!
PS. Lots of CUTE pictures to come!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Pictures of A crazy Week

This is what I was feeling like when the computer wouldn't let me upload my pictures. So I now have lots seeings how I'm a few days behind.
I wanted to do this every time it said " Internet Explorer can not display this Web page".
I was just messing around and thought this picture was really cool.
I liked this one too because it made my eyes really stand out.
Same here.
I don't know how I did this... but it is AWESOME!
These are of Alex playing ball in the basement.

This is Alex before school, filling out his agenda.
This may look weird to you but we've had a cash register sitting on our island for a long time. It is for the store- but Dad had to program it. It isn't there anymore now.
Here is Alex playing at his baseball game. First base for a change.
Kay and Jacob... between games.

We were just trying to stay warm..
This was me yesterday outside in my skirt!!!!
This was Dad and Alex playing in the yard.
Dad pitching!!
A hug from Angie.

Hugs all around.