Sunday, January 3, 2010

Doe a Deer A female Deer Ray a drop of Golden sun, Me a name I call myself, Far a long long way to run, Sew a needle pulling thread...

...La a note to follow sew, Tea a drink with Jam and bread, That will bring us back to doe (o-o-oh)
That was just totally random. I have not taken the time to post anything on here.... not even words let alone pictures. So Here are some of both.
This picture is from Alex's basketball tournament a few Saturdays ago. Eli shot a three pointer and I caught the ball as it was going in the net. I thought this was a pretty cool picture and i worked it in Picasa to make it look even COOLER! Mom is being really really really annoying right now..... ( take that)
Here are a few pictures from our New Years eve party at Grandma Charlie's house. Setting up the camera.
Here is me in my funky sparkly hat. We all had some crazy little hats and then got some fancy glasses to drink our sparkling grape juice out of. We also watched some movies that night and just relaxed and hung out.

And this picture is of Alex tonight right after they got home from their hunting trip. I like this picture of him. The only thing that could have been better was I wish the Christmas tree lights were on on the tree.

So since I guess this is my known space to ramble and babble and all that good stuff... I guess I'll just go ahead and tell you some of those weird random things that I don't post on my main blog.

I did really well on all of my finals this semester and I'm pretty (99.9%) sure that I'm going to have straight A's this quarter. (woo hoo)

I went to Springfield with Mom 4 times this week. We had a really good time shopping and hanging out. One day we even went a salon and got our hair done. On Friday grandma Charlie came with us shopping and we went out for lunch. Then on Saturday grandma Kay came with us to get our hair done, and then went to dinner with us all also.

I'm very tired right now.... I still need to take a shower though and I had some plans to get my pictures organized on my computer. I have so many pictures and they are all out of wack and have wrong labels. So I really need to get that all straightened out.

I have had a really fun time on this Christmas break.... Kitty 1 and Kitty 2 have been up around the house and looking so cute with fresh white snow always in their fur. Bud is also really cute... and I haven't seen him in quite a while since he has been out with the boys hunting. Tomorrow he will want to get out and go sledding with us. I'm sure that he liked being out and about on their trip. I'm sure he gets bored alot somedays just sitting at home in his pin. So I'm sure that getting out and going on a trip and walking around on those longs days is fun to him even if nothing else is. Merry Christmas Bud! A trip to Kansas.

I miss my friends so much.... I really miss them. I have seen pretty much all of my friends over break at some point... but still I miss them. I got used to seeing them everyday at school in my classes, and then alot of them again at basketball practices, and on bus rides and at games we got to see each other. Over this break I have only seem some of them at practice, church, and I went over to Bree's on Friday for a slumber party with her and Leona. That was a good time.

I have NO pictures of Kitty 1. I have ZERO ZILCH NADA NONE pictures of Kitty 1. I have posted videos and pictures of Kitty 2... but I don't have any pictures of Kitty 1. That is so weird because it seems like I take lots of pictures of them, but I guess they're all on my phone. So sometime I'm going to make sure that I get a picture of Kitty 1 so you can see him. He is almost as cute as Kitty 2, but he is defiantly not as friendly.

I haven't texted very much over this break. I have texted Dad to find out where they were and what was going on. Pretty much everyday. Also I've texted Stephanie quite a bit just to talk about plans and what not, I have texted Leona a little bit... a little less than the usual amount. I haven't texted Bree hardly at all and I've texted Austin, Josie, Courtnee', Gina, and a few other people just a few times. It's weird..... I sometimes am sitting there without my phone and I hear it beeping. It's not but I can always hear it beeping and I look around real fast for my phone and it's not there.

So I'm Pretty tired and Only 1 of the things that I talked about doing are going to actually get done, and that is the shower.

I'll blog again another day.....



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